Archive | January, 2012

WE #1

26 Jan

Jaclyn Stine

Engl 121

January 18, 2012

Writing Exercise #1

            One of the ideas for the conspiracy theory was paranormal such as ghosts and spirits.  The accepted version is that ghosts and spirits do not exist and that all paranormal activities are reasonably explained.  The houses are usually old where the paranormal happens so they could cause delusions and creaking noises and cold breezes and voices (wind).  The alternate version of the paranormal would be that ghosts and spirits do exist and live on the earth when they have unfinished business on earth.

The truth is not actively being concealed by anyone.  Though, they are trying to prove ghost and spirits do not exist.  Since the truth is not being actively concealed, the reasons that are given, from the people who dispute the official story, for the falseness of the official version would be the videos that prove they exist, paranormal activities that happen in the houses, and that psychics hear the paranormal.  Also, many have encountered paranormal activities that cannot be explained.   I am curious about whether or not all the things that are claimed to be paranormal can be explained reasonably and logically.  I’m wondering what scientist believe is wrong with people who are claimed to be possessed.  I’d like to learn more about these paranormal activities that are claimed to be scientifically proven.

The other conspiracy theory I have chosen would be 9/11 truther’s.  The official and accepted version of 9/11 would be that terrorist, Al-Qaeda, took over two planes and headed towards New York City and ran into the twin towers on purpose.  The evidence would be blueprints, videos, and FBI investigation reports that are withheld from the public views. The alternate version of the 9/11 that the truthers believe is that the government planned for the planes to crash into the twin towers.

This is a conspiracy theory.  The 9/11 truther’s believe that the truth is being actively concealed by the United States government.  They believe that the government hid the fact that there was going to be an attack and not do anything about it in order to initiate a war with Afghanistan and Iraq and create opportunities to curtail civil liberties.  Some curiosities on these theories would be how the United States government finds out that it was a terrorist attack (on the official story).  What evidence was there on 9/11 being a terrorist attack?   I would like to learn more about the evidence and events of the supposed “terrorist attack”.  I am wondering about what the actual FBI reports were like and why did they have so much trouble with finding the truth of the matter of 9/11.

“What Sacagawea Means to Me” Prompt: Question 1

23 Jan

I do recognize Emily Dickinson, Lewis and Clark, and Crazy Horse as Alexie stated in paragraph 4 of “What Sacagawea means to me” but the others I do not remember.  I can still understand Alexie’s general point and means by which he makes it.  I still understand it because the paragraphs before the 4th paragraph lead up to the point he was trying to make.  Since I know some of the events the people he was talking about, I understood somethings he was saying.  Though he was allusive, he still got his point across.  He was trying to tell us examples of all the contradicting stories we go by like how Lewis and Clark may have traveled North America but Sacagawea actually knew the route and showed them the way.  Also, how we tried to destroy the Native Americans when most of the people who helped destroy them were Native americans them self and they were so kind and helpful to us at the beginning.  Sherman Alexie’s point was easy to understand, it was that America is full of contradictions.  I understand it because even into the last paragraph it sort of gave more information on what he was trying to say.  Though in the 4th paragraph it was slightly confusing, I believe he was basically telling us examples of the contradictions he was talking about.

Schneider Prompt #8: I agree!

13 Jan

I agree that most college students do not realize what their true interest of study is until half way through college.  When I came into college, I believed that I knew what I wanted to study and found my interests already.  I also believed that I would get out of college with the major I started out in my first semester of freshman year.  But since I have experienced a few of my classes and clubs that are involved with my current major, I have been questioning my decision of my interest and studies.  In college, there are many classes you can take of introductory courses that help students figure out what field of study they want to enter into.  With all the general education requirements, students might not even finish all of them until their junior year (half way point of college) if they only focus on them.  So due to the requirements, the students have a few semesters to find and experience their interests while still being full time in college.  Many of the freshmen don’t even know what field they want to study in when they are coming into college.  I know my friend, who is also a freshman, has changed her major three times already.  Through my experiences with college, my values of education in college have increased.  My current experiences with college also showed me that this education not only helps you get knowledge in your future career, but aids you in finding your interests and true self.

Nothing in Particular

11 Jan

Things that are “nothing in particular” at my house:

  • Dogs
  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator (noise)
  • Bugs flying
  • Bed
  • T.V.
  • Tiles
  • Spiders crawling
  • Hampster (running in her wheel)
  • Air conditioning (or heat) blowing air into the house.
  • Alarm clock beeping.
  • Computer starting up
  • Wind crashing against the windows.
  • Lights turning on and off.